Jacinda Sipes
Jacinda Sipes (BS, CPA) is the General Manager and a Coach at CTSP. Jacinda has always had a passion for sports and being active, growing-up as a multi-sport athlete and playing collegiate volleyball.
Her passion for fitness developed after college, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Business and a Certified Public Accountant certification, when trying to find different ways to stay healthy and active but did not come full circle until becoming a CTSP client in 2014.
It was then she learned that the mental aspect of fitness was just as important as the physical aspect, it is how lives are changed and goals are met. In January 2015, Jacinda joined team CTSP and has taken her passion to a whole new level by devoting her time helping clients be the best version of themselves and attain extraordinary results, both physically and mentally. Jacinda believes that you either make time, or you make excuses!
As a busy mother of 3, she knows the importance of making time for exercise and a healthy lifestyle and thrives on helping and encouraging others to find a healthy balance to live their best life.